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Schedule to Gradually Adopt Passkeys

This section discusses the schedules to gradually adopt passkeys. No single schedule is applicable to all organizations. Use this as a guide and adapt the schedule to your own needs.

Notice the graphics along the horizontal axis of the charts below. These graphics provide a high-level comparison of the duration of time needed for initial launch and to reach the business goal.

Relationship of costs, benefits, and adoption of passkeys

Duration and milestones from early discovery to initial launchโ€‹

For companies with pre-existing authentication infrastructure and user bases, this strategy should take approximately six months to complete, from early discovery to initial launch.

PhaseEstimated months
Identify Needs1
Research and screen ideas1
Concept and prototype1.5
Build and test2
Initial launch0.5

Achieve plan goals after initial launchโ€‹

This strategy requires six months to achieve the plan goals after initial launch.

  • Document and analyze 30 days of passkey usage metrics in the Authentication Method Inventory, Costs, and User Experience Analysis Worksheet linked below as a File Download.
  • Based on your analysis of the Authentication Needs and Metrics Worksheet, prioritize supporting additional passkey design patterns.
  • Support users during their journey to passkey adoption. For example, field any inbound requests for help with passkeys.
File Download

The Analysis of Inventory, Costs, and User Experience for Authentication Methods worksheet contains an authentication inventory, cost analysis, and user experience analysis. There are two tabs in the worksheet. One contains sample data and the other tab is blank. Use the blank tab to enter your own data.

โค“ Download the Excel file