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Passkey Roll-Out Guides

Passkeys should be rolled-out as an additional sign-in option. The core selling point you should emphasize to the user is that passkeys are more convenient.

You can continue providing the existing sign-in mechanisms that your online service offers today as you roll out passkeys. This helps reduce any anxieties or disruptions related to the learning phase of passkeys for your users and your business. Once passkeys are fully deployed, and you are accruing the benefits, you can then consider further steps such as phasing out legacy sign-in offerings.

Depending on what is most appropriate for your business, the FIDO Alliance recommends one of two roll-out strategies:

  • A gradual roll-out strategy where users organically self-discover passkeys in their account settings or
  • A a rapid roll-out strategy where you actively promote passkeys to your users.

Gradual adoption has lower initial cost but a slower ramp to business benefit. Rapid adoption has a higher initial cost but a much faster ramp to business benefit. These two roll-out strategies are based on learnings from organizations that have already deployed passkeys. Each roll-out strategy is explained in a corresponding guide that provides guidance for each phase of the implementation process, based on business goals and processes.

There is no one-size-fits-all business goal or process for passkeys, yet many organizations find that their needs match one of the two guides. You can choose to follow the guide that meets most of your needs and adapt it to your organization's specific needs. The variables are informed by real deployment strategies used by FIDO Alliance member companies who vary in size, geography, and industry.

The Roll-Out Guide - Gradually Adopt Passkeys

The Roll-Out Guide - Gradually Adopt Passkeys requires the least effort, cost, and change management risks of the two strategies. With this guide you can adopt a long-term authentication strategy that aligns with global standards for phishing-resistant authentication and offers a simpler end user experience.

Roll-Out Guide - Rapidly Adopt Passkeys

With the Roll-Out Guide - Rapidly Adopt Passkeys you can achieve a faster return on your passkey investment. With this guide you can, in a rapid manner, reduce the cost of your existing authentication options and adopt a long-term authentication strategy that aligns with global standards for phishing-resistant authentication and offers a simpler end user experience.


This documentation addresses the needs of organizations that are consumer-based. Implementing support for passkeys for the following organization types requires extra considerations not yet covered in this documentation:

  • Government
    • eCitizen
    • Government employees
  • Consumer regulated
    • Finance
    • TelCo
    • Healthcare
  • Workforce

Organizations in these categories can use this documentation to start working with passkeys, however, there are considerations not covered on Passkey Central, such as such as domain-specific regulations, that must be examined. Passkey Central does provide universal information (such as core user flows to consider) that can help your organization start implementing support for passkeys. Refer to Passkey Use Cases for more information.

Next steps

Choose the guide that best matches the needs of your organization and your users to help plan implementation of support for passkeys. You can refer to the tables included in Compare the FIDO Passkey Roll-Out Strategies to help you choose one of the strategies.

The guides are written for those already familiar with passkeys. Refer to Introduction to Passkeys for an overview of passkeys.